CAD Design

CAD Design

Bpro labs is the well-known company providing CAD services and the top quality engineering services among the engineering sector.

We provide mechanical engineering services and mechanical drafting services using the various ranges of software like SOLID WORKS, CATIA and Auto CAD.

Our team of expert professional designers and engineers create assembly drawings for all kinds of mechanical assemblies, architectural schematics and then convert all of them to multi-layer CAD drawings.


Mechanical Modeling Services

This particular service is being noted as an extension of the mechanical drafting service. 3D CAD services used in the mechanical modeling services enables to build the exact replica of the original object in the real life. As a result, it makes the projection much easier and also simpler for the clients to understand and communicate with the features of the product.

Designing your new product

A well thought through design can deliver an enjoyable, easy to use product that brings your brand and vision to life.

As you move from product concept options to a chosen design, our team builds physical prototypes that replicate the product experience to test and ensure a rewarding user experience

Evaluate and test your mechanical designs

Testing design concepts early on minimizes risk by revealing obstacles such as temperature, stress, and moving parts that impact your product.

After the 3D model of your design is complete we sit down with you to review results. Depending on your product’s complexity this may involve hundreds of parts and many decisions that impact the product. But by identifying these decisions upfront, we can move you quickly into functional prototyping, physical testing, and volume production.