Industrial Research

Industrial Research

Our industrial design team works alongside our product engineers to develop beautiful concepts that are manufacturable and meet your business requirements.

Explore concepts of your product vision.

Starting with your product vision, we work with you to identify the target user and explore visual concepts of potential solutions through sketching.

Once a direction is chosen, the team creates appealing product models and integrates these concept ideas with practical and feasible engineering architectures.

The final design concepts are captured in 3D CAD models to allow feedback from clients, users, and other stakeholders.

Design is one of the most critical stage in New Product Development cycle.

Product design process includes series of steps right from discovery to making the product a commercial reality.

Catering to design requirements from various industries enables us to provide design advice and asses cost effective solution for your product design needs.

Design Research

Whenever we design concepts from scratch, design research is a very crucial step that we execute. The approach that we follow helps to design products based on facts, considering: the end users, how they would interact with the product, conditions in which the product will be exposed to and then we strategize on how to include these factors in the product design process.

Industrial Design

While we are in the process of converting design ideas into a commercial reality, apart from our expertise, imagination and an eye for innovation we also share your vision and commitment.

As a strategic design partner, with respect your requirement, we leave no angle of development unexplored.

Working for numerous industries instils in us the understanding of catering to tailored solutions to meet customer expectations.

Reverse Engineering

When you want us to re-construct an existing product to optimize its shape, create variants, enhance performance or when you are trying to create digital archives, our engineers use point cloud data captured from 3D scanners to re-create the CAD model for the product and then modify it to meet your requirements.